Finally, some cell phone honesty!
It used to be, that my cell phone would only ring when it was someone that I want to, or need to, hear from.
I guard my cell number...very few people have it (and are in my contact list).
Sure, I still have my landline...it's part of my cable package. So, it's almost free....
I turned the landline ringer off about 2 years ago...as that phone number had become a (constant) favorite of scam artists, and politicians. Basically, the same thing, right?
Sadly, the "do not call" list...is no longer a deterrent!
The number of scam calls has increased (greatly) on my cell phone (as it probably has on your cell, too).
This is an...annoyance.
If I don't recognize the number, I let it go to voicemail.
Inevitably, it's: "I've been trying to reach you about your utility bill...your student loans..." and on and on. Just FYI scammers: I already have solar...and I paid off my loans years ago. And, no (sadly), I don't have any kids. No new student loans, or rate relief, is necessary.
Hold on...(literally)...
My phone is ringing again!
Suddenly, where a contact name would come up, or a number, my screen reads:
I let it go to voicemail, and go on with my life.
But what is this? Is it...real? Is it Official? Is it reliable?
Or, is it a scam of its own?
A quick internet search says that my provider has begun doing this as a service to its subscribers.
The "scam" designation automatically replaces the phone number on the screen, if that number is known to be, or suspected to be, a scammer.
Might I suggest that ALL New Jersey cell service providers take a page out of my provider's new playbook...it would give all of New Jersey something to smile about!
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