NJ cargo pilot used overseas trips to make child porn, feds say
PLUMSTED — A cargo pilot who would make international flights used those trips to produce child pornography, according to U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito.
Frank William Maile, 62, a U.S. Air Force veteran from the New Egypt section of Plumsted, was arrested and charged with making pornography with two young girls in the Philippines. The videos were made in December 2015, according to the complaint against Maile.
The pornography was found around April 6 when Maile returned from an international trip, flying into Huntsville, Alabama. His electronic devices, including a MacBook Pro, were manually searched and revealed one image of child sexual abuse. A forensic search was then conducted, resulting in "a large volume of apparently original depictions of child sexual abuse," according to the complaint.
The pictures and videos involved several victims, and many of them were identified through social media accounts, documents showed. During an electronic chat with a person in the Philippines described in court documents as a "pimp or arranger of sexual encounters with minors," Maile arranged to have sex with two minor sisters. The initial conversation happened in June 2013 and the investigation determined Maile had sex in June with the older sister, who he was told was 14.
Maile also suggested to the Philippines contact that the girl take birth control because he did not want to get her pregnant, and the person told him she was too young.
Maile also asked the contact if he had any videos of the girl when she was "young," which he meant "when she was 10," according to court documents. Maile also discussed with the contact whether hotels he was staying at were "safe" and allowed minors to visit.
Despite his interest in having sex with the younger sister, court documents show that the contact in the Philippines said she was too young for sex. During an online chat with the girl using the contact's login, the girl told Maile it was her 10th birthday, according to the complaint.
Some of the conversations with the contact in Asia are believed to have happened in the United States, possibly in his home, court documents show. Maile told his contact in December 2015 that he wanted to make a video of him having sex with the older sister, and that they could sell the video to make money, according to the complaint. In one of the chats, Maile asked the contact how much it would cost to have sex with the younger sister, to which he was told the contact would ask the girl's mother."
Maile is charged with one count of producing visual depictions of child sexual abuse outside the United States, with the intent that the depictions be imported into the United States, Carpenito said. If convicted, he faces a minimum 15 to 30 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
An attorney for Maile could not be reached for comment on Wednesday night.
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