How many Franklin Townships in NJ? One looks for new name
Franklin Township in Hunterdon County is one of five municipalities in New Jersey named Franklin. There's a feeling among at least some of the locals to change that.
Mayor Craig Repmann says they are polling the township's 3,000 residents this month about this question.
In addition to this township, there is a Franklin Township in Somerset, Gloucester and Warren counties. There's also a Franklin Borough in Sussex County.
Repmann says this can cause confusion.
"We hired a company called Planet Civic. Their purpose is to engage the public in hot topics. This would be one," he said. "We had a presentation from a resident last year. Her proposal was to change the name of the town to Franklin Hills. We are trying to check the temperature of the public on the subject."
Interestingly, Franklin isn't even the most used town name in New Jersey. That would be Washington, with five townships and a borough.
In fact, New Jersey has 75 municipalities that share the same 33 names — not including variations with "Lake" or "Hills" or North or South, etc.
Susan Soloway, a member of the Township Committee, says they asked residents online about the name and other township issues in part because of low public attendance at Township Committee meetings.
As for the name change issue, "I do not have an opinion. I am happy to do whatever the residents want."
The poll runs through Feb. 28, but it might be extended if the need arises.
Joe Cutter is the afternoon news anchor on New Jersey 101.5
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