Trev — how the NFL can fix their protest problem
The NFL is in big trouble regarding these player protests. The ratings have once again dropped and a lot of ticket buying people agree with President Trump that the players should not be kneeling. Whether you agree with the way he did it or not, and most agree, you have to admit that Trump's speech has taken the protests to another level. Now it's not only about "social injustice" but about a dislike for the president. The NFL is in the difficult position of trying to please both their players and their consumers. I have a solution.
People turn to football to escape things like protests and the problems that are going on in this country. When you're shelling out hundreds of dollars for tickets and thousands for personal seat licenses, you don't need to have players politics and opinions shoved in your face. The players are handsomely paid employees on company time wearing their companies uniform. For that they are asked to do one thing, play the game and play it well. Freedom of speech is on your own time and that's where my idea comes in.
Instead of forcing your protest on a ticket buying consumer who did not come to see it, why not have the NFL and it's players hold protest rallies instead. They could rent out the stadiums, hire top flight entertainment, have the players speak their minds in between, sell tickets and use the money to improve the relations in their communities. They can even televise these rallies on their NFL Network or sell them to a major one.
Now those that buy a ticket and go will know exactly what they're getting into. You're going to hear speeches by players and celebrities, and be entertained by singers and bands as well. A good time can be had by all. Then on Sunday, the National Anthem goes back to being what it was intended for in the first place, a time to reflect on the greatness of our country and it's military.
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