Only in NJ would THIS happen during an eclipse
After spending all day running errands with my sons, we got home just in time to view the eclipse on my neighbors telescope which they had found in their son's closet. As I watched this historic moment with my sons I couldn't help thinking these random thoughts.
- Only in New Jersey would people be selling bootleg glasses to watch the eclipse. Would those same people be selling you seeing eye dogs and canes at cost?
- How cool would it have been if someone like Coca-Cola could have flashed their logo at the sun or moon causing us to see their logo as it crossed! Surely Nike could have found a way to turn that half moon into a swoosh!
- Despite the technology we have in 2017, the best way to view the eclipse is still with the hole in the cereal box.
- How about all those people who drove all those miles and spent all that money on hotels, restaurants etc., to see something that would blind them if they looked at it.
- Now that the eclipse is over, can we PLEASE put "Total Eclipse Of The Heart' back in the vault next to "Black Hole Sun."
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Steve Trevelise is on the air from Monday-Thursday, 7 to 11 p.m. Tweet him @realstevetrev or @nj1015.