‘Gig Economy’ a way to survive in New Jersey (Opinon)
No matter how you slice it, unless you have a really high-paying job which are hard to find in New Jersey, you're going to have work more than one. With the minimum wage being way what it is and businesses eliminating full time jobs to save the benefits, many are choosing the "gig" economy."
"Gig economy" is where you work when and where you want. Places like Uber and Lyft are perfect examples of people choosing when you want to work.
Another way to do it is to have several part time jobs doing what you like as opposed to the 9-5 full time job. Along with that you can take on contracted work for side jobs. This type of lifestyle requires you to have what I like to call, 'The Hustle Gene,' which is practically required to live in New Jersey.
According to KETV ABC 7 in Omaha, "In May, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics found that 16.5 million Americans are in contingent or alternative work. The BLS found that more than half of the contingent workers would have preferred a permanent job."
While working several jobs is great when your young, not having that one steady job that you grow your retirement through can be a problem as you get older. Which would you prefer?
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