7 best NJ movies for another snow day
Monday wasn't a snowmaggedon or a snowpocalypse. But some schools that weren't on spring break this week closed down. Some businesses also didn't open. Now snow in April, especially enough to bring out the plows, seems like a violation of an unspoken pact we have with nature. Yet here it is.
So if you've had enough, if your spirit has been broken but another ridiculous round of snow and if you have nothing going on today, I offer you my 7 favorite movies based in New Jersey. Maybe it will kill a few hours for you between shoveling your driveway.
7. Clerks
Not the greatest acted film, but brilliantly directed and written by New Jersey's own Kevin Smith. It was low budget but it put Kevin Smith on a great career path. Set entirely in New Jersey, this movie will bring you right back to 90's New Jersey.
6. The Wrestler
Randy the Ram's heartbreaking journey through a life not well lived. Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei starred in this gem which was shot in so many New Jersey locations it feels like a roadmap.
5. American Hustle
The only thing I didn't love about this movie was Jennifer Lawrence, which is odd because I love the work she's done in everything else. So it was probably more animosity for her character, not for the actress. Based on the Abscam case of the 1970's and featuring Atlantic City, it doesn't get a lot more Jersey than this.
4. Chasing Amy
Starring Ben Affleck and Joey Lauren Adams with director Kevin Smith reprising his role as Silent Bob, this is a beautiful and overlooked New Jersey film. If you like nothing else about this love story, you have to admire the incredible scene where Silent Bob is suddenly not so silent as he reveals a painful story that explains where the name Amy comes from. We've all probably chased an Amy and learned from it.
3. Happiness
No one I know has seen this movie. But it's based in New Jersey, although it really could have been set anywhere. It's from 1998 by director Todd Solondz and I'm warning you it's not for everyone. There are some truly disturbing story lines. But with Philip Seymour Hoffman, Lara Flynn Boyle, Dylan Baker and others, it's amazingly well acted.
2. Lean On Me
Most of these movies have been rated R, so here's a PG-13 for kids on a snow day. Based on real life principal of a troubled New Jersey school, this movie gives you hope. Morgan Freeman plays Joe Clark who will stop at nothing to improve the lives of his students. It's set in Paterson but could rep any struggling district in our state.
1. The Wedding Singer
Robbie, played by Adam Sandler, is a wedding singer in Ridgefield. Julia, played by Drew Barrymore, is the woman he falls in love with while she's engaged to possibly the biggest douchebag in the world. It's not only funny, cute, romantic, it's very Jersey and it's a great 1980's time capsule. (It was made in 1998 but set in 80's Jersey.) Nice cameos from Billy Idol and Steve Buscemi too. If you've never seen it, a snow day is as good a time as any.
Jeff Deminski can be heard with Bill Doyle on New Jersey 101.5, every weekday, from 2 to 7 p.m. Listen live online here at NJ1015.com or on the NJ1015 app. Follow Jeff on Twitter. Email him at jeff.deminski@townsquaremedia.com. The opinions expressed here are solely those of Jeff Deminski.
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