20 great places to make a movie in New Jersey
More and more movies are being made in New Jersey thanks to tax incentives signed by Gov. Murphy. Here's a list of major shows and movies that were filmed here last year. Among those being filmed this year is Zack Braff's "A Good Person" and "Beer League 2" written by Jimmy Palimbo.
Recently The New Jersey Motion Picture and Television Commission in partnership with the Somerset County Film Commission announced that Franklin, Hillsborough, South Bound Brook, and Watchung have completed the multi-step training and certification process and have been designated as Film Ready Communities.
New Jersey has definitely come a long way when it comes to making movies in our state. We also have some great stories here that would be movie worthy. But what about locations?
No matter what type of movie you want to shoot, I guarantee you'll find the perfect background right here. You want the beach, we've got it. Do you want mountains? Cities? Countryside? You name it, it's here.
Who can forget that memorable Sopranos show that took place in the Pinelands? I think of that every time my phone reception drops.
Here are some other great Jersey locations that would be great places to shoot movies according to my social media following.
Mike Bocchetti
The great thing about New Jersey is you have the country the city the beach and close to Manhattan I love NJ because it’s diverse.
Frank Schear
Howell. They did many years ago, look up The Benniker Gang with Andrew McCarthy. They were driving through Missouri, but when they arrived, you could clearly see the Royal Lounge and Regent Diner on Route 9 and they checked in at the Moon Motel also on Route 9. Earlier in the movie they stopped for gas at the Mustang Gas and Oil in Jackson over by Great Adventure. Also a movie with Ron Howard and Mickey Rourke, I can't remember the name, parts were filmed in Perrineville.
Mark Pica
Depends on the type of movie
Gangster/ Jersey City / Newark
Love / Cape May
Comedy / Hoboken
Thriller/ the Pine Barrens
Steve Eccles
Ocean Grove
Giulio Poli
Chris Corona Moses
North Wildwood
Jim Santore
Alan Binger
Sayreville - specifically, a horror movie
Rob Dylan
Atlantic City
Ricky Spoletini
At The quick stop in Leonardo, NJ.
Harris Kohen
Steve Troise
Great Adventure
Mark Gruzlovic
Seaside Heights!
John Kensil
That old mental hospital in Trenton
Tanker Dave Ryden
Historic Basking Ridge
Ken Krauter
Long Beach Island
Timothy Oneill
The villas Cape May
Maureen Angelica Lynch
Point Pleasant, NJ
Robert Leonetti
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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