Four NJ towns have been named ‘Film Ready’ for movie productions
The New Jersey Motion Picture and Television Commission (NJMPTVC), in partnership with the Somerset County Film Commission, has announced that Franklin, Hillsborough, South Bound Brook, and Watchung, have completed the multi-step training and certification process and have been designated as Film Ready Communities.
While this doesn’t guarantee that tv and movie productions will be shot in any of the towns, it does mean that they’re ready and prepared to cooperate with movie and television producers, giving them a leg up on other communities that haven’t gone through the process.
According to the NJMPTVC, the program was launched as a pilot in Somerset County in September 2022, and the Film Ready New Jersey program is set to extend statewide this spring.
Film Ready New Jersey is a 5-step certification and marketing program that educates municipalities on the basics of motion picture and television production and enables cities and towns to effectively accommodate on location filming and market their communities as filming destinations. The program sets basic standards for attracting filmmaking and positions the state as a top production destination.
The State of New Jersey offers many advantages to the film and television industry, and cooperation is foremost among them. We are encouraging our cities and towns to welcome filmmakers with open arms, and enjoy the many important benefits to be attained when production crews come into your community, said NJMPTVC Executive Director Steven Gorelick. “Partnerships with our municipal governments are vital to the state’s success.
Workshops will be held for municipal governments as the first step in earning the Film Ready designation. Workshops will be offered on a regional basis, by invitation, starting in April.
Interested municipalities can learn more about the Film Ready program and upcoming workshops, which will launch on the commission’s website in March. Sign up to receive information on how to prepare for the workshop and certification by registering here.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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