Why elites like Phil Murphy spend their time living in the bubble (OPINION)
Jim Gearhart thinks his old pal and fellow New Jersey 101.5 host Dennis Malloy hit the nail right on the head.
"I think he's just so out of touch, he can't see any of it," Dennis wrote about Gov. Phil Murphy just a few days ago. "I've met him twice. He's very friendly, affable and pleasant."
And yet Murphy wants to raise New Jersey taxes for a whole host of programs both Dennis and Jim find anathema — even as everyday New Jerseyans struggle with some of the harshest taxes in the country. Among the controversial programs Murphy wants to fund (or, in some cases, has already started to): Free community college tuition, financial assistance for young immigrants here illegally and legal aid for immigrants.
"The problem is, elites like him, as nice as he is, don't leave their progressive, lefty bubble," Dennis wrote. "They don't know anyone like you and me. They don't have conversations with anyone like us. They certainly don't associate with people that have our ideas and ideals. So wherever he goes, ideas like mandatory health insurance, raising taxes to fund education or transportation, sanctuary status for illegal immigrants are all met with unanimous approval and congratulation."
Well, don't count Dennis or Jim into that unanimous chorus.
That's all in the Jim Gearhart Show podcast, available here as well on iTunes and Google Play.
And that's just part of what Jim takes on in the latest installment of his podcast. Check out the full episode to hear the rest. And email Jim at Jim@NJ1015.com.
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— Townsquare Media staff
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