Why does preschool get millions while Roosevelt school closes? (Opinion)
Instead of teaching ABC's in New Jersey schools, we should be teaching the WTF's, because those are the letters of the words you'll use the most if you stay here. Take the schools for instance. Roosevelt Public School, where my sons are graduating 6th grade this year, could be forced to close because the state which originally was going to take $32,000 from their budget instead too $148,000. Meanwhile, we're spending millions on preschools which aren't even required in New Jersey.
RPS had the best PARCC test grades in Monmouth county and was voted best elementary school in the county by Niche magazine. It's also a staple in this small community and houses the famous 'New Deal" mural painted be Ben Shahn who lived here.
Meanwhile Governor Murphy and Senate President Steve Sweeney announced that 64 districts got preschool expansion grants for the 2018-19 school year. The proposed budget includes $25 million to include additional schools next year, as part of $68 million in increased spending on preschool, bringing the total to $806 million.
Why on earth are we closing elementary schools, especially ones that perform as well as Roosevelt, for preschools that aren't even required in New Jersey? We're actually one of five states that do not require districts to offer any kindergarten and one of 35 states that do not require children to attend kindergarten. Whether or not it's the desire, it's the law. This state is having enough trouble getting full time kindergarten, let alone preschool.
How long do you want to keep your child at home? How much responsibility should you be taking for their care and education? How much should everyone else be burdened with?
Murphy said the National Forum on Early Childhood Policy and Programs estimates every dollar spent on preschool can yield $9 in higher tax revenues and less government spending later. That's not a fact, that's a guess. That's also provided they stay in New Jersey. We lead the country in people leaving, that's a fact.
How about before we spend money on what's not required in New Jersey, we pay for what is.like say Roosevelt Public School and the others who are being threatened with closure. That's the right thing to do. Period. Full stop.
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