Watch a high-speed NJ crash … from inside the car (Opinion)
If you've ever been in an automobile crash, you know the aches and pains you feel for days after. That's if you don't end up in the hospital with more serious injuries.
The driver of the car seen in this video, luckily, did not receive any serious injuries even though he was traveling at around 70 mph. The driver is a good friend of mine, who sometimes drives like a. ... well, he drives like an animal. I've been with him in his vehicle on the Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway and have quietly said prayers to myself until we got to our destination. He never crashes and his driving skill is at a very high level.
So what do you do with someone like this? Well, first you don't get into the car/truck with him if he's in a hurry.
Luckily, about six years ago, somehow he hooked up with a guy who races cars at Wall Stadium Speedway. The guy got him a car and he started racing every Saturday. I don't think he's won a race yet, but he finishes respectably almost every time he races. The video clip above was from a race on the night of Aug. 15 and was one of two mishaps he was involved in that night.
Luckily, other than a few loose screws on the car and in his head, he's fine. You can see this kind of action in a variety of different racing classes every Saturday night in Wall.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis' own.