Vote Tuesday or you can’t complain
The sign says it all!
Tuesday is Primary Election Day in New Jersey!
YOU get to decide who will represent your party in the General Election in November!
The people running for office...from those who want to replace Governor Christie, at the top of the ballot...
...to the State Senate and Assembly...
...to your County Clerk and Freeholders...
...and Township Committee...
...plus State Party Committee Members...
...have had their say.
Now, its time for us, the voting public, to have our say!
In other countries, people yearn for the chance to vote!
Exercise your right to vote!
If you have already voted, by absentee ballot, way to go! Thank you!
Traditionalists...New Jersey Polls are open from 6am til 8pm on Tuesday.
And, as a poll worker, let me suggest to you that you bring your sample ballot to the polls.
Save time, and avoid confusion!
The sample ballot tells you where to vote, what district you vote in...and your candidate choices.
I can't tell you how many people I have to send to a different voting district (machine)...let alone how many people I end up sending to another polling location!
VOTE...and then hear your vote counted on New Jersey 101.5 and nj1015.com!
And, remember...if you DON'T vote on Tuesday....as the sign says, you CAN'T complain!
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