Threats for DeGise in Jersey City, NJ: ‘I hope your kids get run over’
Jersey City Councilwoman Amy DeGise fears leaving her apartment and for her children's safety after a series of death threats following her highly publicized hit-and-run accident, according to her spokesman.
DeGise fled the scene after SUV plowed into bicyclist Andrew Black on July 19. Video of the incident shows she never slowed down or even touched her brakes.
Black was not seriously injured, and the same video shows him running a red light. He has, however, retained an attorney for a possible lawsuit.
Spokesman Phil Swibinski told the Jersey Journal that DeGise has received vulgar and threatening calls at her place of employment and via email and on Instagram.
New Jersey Globe reports one threatening message said she needed “a bullet in her head." Another person said they "hoped her kids were run over," and another was a threat against her father, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise.
You can read more of the threats here, but we caution they do include strong and graphic language.
The threats were reported to Jersey City Police, and an investigation is underway.
Swibinski called the threats "reprehensible," and suggested DeGise may be entitled to police protection.
The councilwoman has refused growing calls for her to resign.
Two fellow council members have demanded she quit. An online petition has generated more than 4,500 signatures, and protesters staged a demonstration last Saturday.
Gov. Phil Murphy called DeGise's conduct "unacceptable," but did not specifically call for her to resign
While her critics have grown louder, her allies have remained silent.
DeGise was elected last November on a ticket with Jersey City Mayor Steven Fullop. Fullop has repeatedly refused to comment and her allies on the council have also said nothing.
A court date has been scheduled for August 15 for DeGise to answer charges of leaving the scene of an accident and failure to report an accident, but it will likely be rescheduled and her case moved out of Hudson County.
Eric Scott is the senior political director and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at
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