This is the best city for singles in New Jersey
Roughly half of New Jersey adults are single (never been married), but where are they?
Wallet Hub compared 182 cities across 35 indicators of dating-friendliness. The data set ranges from the share of the population that is single to the number of online dating opportunities, to the average price of a two-person meal.
The three main categories are Economics, Fun and Recreation, and Dating Opportunities.
The good news is that there is a New Jersey city in the top 50, the bad news is that it’s number 50. No other Garden State town could crack the upper echelon of cities for singles.
The best city for singles in New Jersey is Jersey City. In the Economics category, Jersey City ranked 112th, in Fun and Recreation they are 68th, and in Dating Opportunities, they ranked 38th.
Jersey City’s overall score was 53.76; compare that to the best city for singles in the country, Seattle at 63.88.
Jersey City is known for its cultural diversity. The city is home to a mix of communities, and this diversity is reflected in its neighborhoods, businesses, and cultural events.
The city has undergone significant redevelopment in recent years, particularly along the waterfront. Areas like Newport and Exchange Place feature modern residential and commercial developments, offering stunning views of the Manhattan skyline.
Another New Jersey city made the list: Newark, which came in at #147; not too promising! Newark ranked 134th in Economics, 108th in Fun and Recreation, and 129th in Dating Opportunities.
Happy dating!
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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