Thieves swipe 8 iPhone 11s from display at NJ Apple store, cops say
EVESHAM — Police are looking for two men accused of stealing more than $8,000 worth of iPhones from an Apple store.
Police said two suspects took eight iPhone 11 phones from a display table on Sunday about 5 p.m. The store at Promenade at Sagemore is on Route 73 in the Marlton section.
The phones retail for at least $699.
The two got into a Volkswagen with unknown Florida license plates, police said.
In June, four men from Harlem were charged by Evesham police with stealing $9,000 of electronics from the same store in June.
Evesham police asked anyone with information about the latest incident to call them at 856-983-1116.
Contact reporter Dan Alexander at Dan.Alexander@townsquaremedia.com or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNJ
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