What do you look for when it comes to a car? Good handling? Luxury interior? Attractive exterior? Good gas mileage?

There is plenty to think about when it comes to buying your next car.

In a congested state like New Jersey, we see all types of cars on the road. But what are the most popular?

Well, the website Stacker did a study to determine this very question.

Some on this list may surprise you, while others seem to make sense.

Below are the top five best-selling cars in New Jersey.

#5 Toyota RAV4

Photo by David McNew/Getty Images
Photo by David McNew/Getty Images

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This one feels like it's been a staple for a very long time. I know I see them all over the roads. The RAV4 gets 30 miles per gallon and costs anywhere from $28,675 to $38,380 depending on the model.

#4 Jeep Grand Cherokee 

Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images
Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

Another one I see on the roads very frequently. Although this time I'm not sure why. It gets 22 miles per gallon. So not exactly great in that department. Maybe people like it for the room it has on the inside? Or the appeal of the exterior. Cost ranges from $36,495 to $68,940.

#3 Tesla Model 3

Photo by Allison Dinner/Getty Images
Photo by Allison Dinner/Getty Images

The first electric car to make the list. Its EV range is 261 miles. The car costs anywhere from $38,990 to $45,990.

#2 Honda CR-V

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Like the RAV4, this one feels like its been a staple for a long time as well. Similar to the RAV4 it gets 30 miles per gallon. The cost is anywhere from $29,500 to $40,200.

#1 Tesla Model Y

Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images
Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Another electric car on the list. The Model Y costs anywhere from $43,990 to $52,490.

Best Looking State Patrol Cars In (Almost) Every State

For the past 10 years, the American Association of State Troopers has held a contest to determine which state has the best looking patrol cruiser. Nearly every state police agency submits their best photo of their sharpest patrol vehicle a chance to win the coveted cover photo on the association's annual calendar. From cop cars rushing through blizzards to vehicles on the Grand Ole Opry stage, here are this year's nominees.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

UP NEXT: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kyle Clark. Any opinions expressed are his own.

Click here to contact an editor about feedback or a correction for this story.

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