The ultimate survival guide for a NJ snow day
New Jerseyans are always on the move. We have places to go and people to see. Every so often though, the hustle and bustle of living in the Garden State comes to a screeching halt when the snow starts to pour out of the sky.
If you're going to be stuck inside for a snow day, the biggest key is being prepared with everything you'll need to fight boredom. We came up with a few essentials that every New Jerseyan should have handy in case of a snowstorm.
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Have some 'family' time
Snow days let you binge watch all your favorite shows. If you're from New Jersey, the snow provides the perfect time to re-watch some of those classic episodes of NJ's favorite TV mob family.
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Keep the iPod handy
Make sure your iPod is powered up with all your favorite Jersey artists. Sinatra, Southside Johnny and of course, Bon Jovi. "Wanted Dead or Alive," happens to be a great song as part of your snow day playlist.
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Breakfast is key
Everyone needs comfort food when they're stuck at home. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if you're from NJ, pork roll is a crucial part of the menu. Don't even think of calling it Taylor Ham, either!
Pork roll (Facebook)Pork roll (Facebook) - 4
Don't forget the pie
No, we are not talking about blueberry, apple or peach. We mean PIZZA, of course. If you know you're going to be snowbound, make sure to hit up your favorite pizza parlor because the frozen stuff from the store is not going to cut it!
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Make sure to hit up the ATM
In Jersey, cash is king. So if you want to save yourself a head (and back) ache, make sure you have cash on hand for when the enterprising young kids come around looking to shovel you out! Here's a hint, they don't take credit!
Philip Lange, ThinkStockPhilip Lange, ThinkStock - 6
You may want to stop by the hardware store
It still baffles me that people live in NJ , they know how volatile our winters can be and yet, they don't own a shovel. C'mon people, get with the program! Just in case your live in a neighborhood where the kids are more interested in playing Xbox than they are about making money, stop at the hardware store and make sure you have the right tools to shovel yourself out.
DenisePohl, ThinkStockDenisePohl, ThinkStock - 7
Check the medicine cabinet
So when you're done shoveling, there's a good chance that you'll be in a little bit of pain. You may want to check the medicine cabinet to make sure you have those pain relievers handy.
Scott Olson, Getty ImagesScott Olson, Getty Images
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