One of the things about our home state is that there is an election every year.

With the state Legislature elected in odd years and the federal offices up in even years, there's always someone running for something. Add to the 21 counties and 564 municipalities electing mayors, council members, school board, and every other position that rounds out New Jersey government and you have an election season every season.

The next election coming up in New Jersey is the primary where Republicans and Democrats will choose the nominee to battle for each of New Jersey's 12 congressional seats. In the 4th District, a battle is shaping up for the seat currently held by Congressman Chris Smith.

Election 2018 House New Jersey Smith

Full disclosure, Chris is a friend but he and I do not see eye-to-eye on every issue. There are several candidates vying for the chance to represent the people of the 4th Congressional District in the U.S. Congress. You've heard from one of them, Mike Blasi, who generously contributed to our fundraiser for fallen officers' families. David Burg is also running and will join us on the show at some point before the election.

Mike Crispi and Roger Stone (Mike Crispi on Facebook)
Mike Crispi and Roger Stone (Mike Crispi on Facebook)

On Friday, we were joined by candidate Mike Crispi who exploded onto the political scene with former Trump confidant Roger Stone and is making a lot of progress. Mike is running his own line teaming up with other candidates running for local positions promoting policies that fall under "America First". Mike has also pledged to support Common Sense legislation, including my organization's legislation protecting parental rights if he is fortunate enough to get to the Capitol.

Mike is a broadcaster, a former college football player, and an entrepreneur. Listen to my conversation with Mike here:

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.

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NJ freedom trucker convoy on March 5 — What Bill Spadea saw

It was a chilly Saturday night and a rainy Sunday morning but that did not dampen the enthusiasm of the hundreds of vehicles participating in the New Jersey Freedom Convoy on March 5-6, 2022. Here are some pics of the event, from the crowds lining the overpasses and roadways, to the trucks to the line of vehicles heading south.

2021 NJ property taxes: See how your town compares

Find your municipality in this alphabetical list to see how its average property tax bill for 2021 compares to others. You can also see how much the average bill changed from 2020. For an interactive map version, click here. And for the full analysis by New Jersey 101.5, read this story.

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