Our clown Cory is a popular choice for vice president (Opinion)
It seems our esteemed U.S. senator from New Jersey, Cory Booker, is a popular choice among other presidential candidates supporters to be vice president. He is polling low amongst Democratic primary voters but when supporters of other more popular reasonable slightly less clownish candidates are asked what they think of Booker as VP, they like him. Maybe they figure as vice president he wouldn’t be too embarrassing. His clownish, buffoonish antics in the Senate have rendered him unelectable even to the far-left lunatics.
But in the game of identity politics, they have to give him some points. After all, he is the lightweight version of Barack Obama. He was the mayor of the northeast city Newark. But his buffoonish antics in the Senate and in the media have rendered him less than presidential. Poor Cory is in a crowded field of the intersection malady that leaves him far behind in the pack. But supporters of other candidates think he might be good enough to attend foreign dignitaries' funerals and other ceremonial stuff as vice president.
His elitism and total lack of self-awareness make him a good candidate for any political office. But this time, Cory, in the game you played so well to get ahead in New Jersey politics, you find yourself in a field of so many others who play the game much better.
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