New Jerseyans you should dress up as for Halloween
If you were going to trick or treat as someone from New Jersey, who would you go as?That's the question I posed and these are the answers I got...
- Len Moore - Silent Bob
- Scott Helmus - Chris Christie, of course.
- John Riebel - Little Steven.
- Eddie Testa - As YOU! (No, I would go as you!)
- Ben Nagy - Steve Trevelise 20 years ago. (no change)
- Hershel Horn - I like fluffy. I would wear a dog outfit. (Just don't pick the games)
- Angel Donato - Whitney Houston!
- Rich Gunning - Lucy the Elephant
- Kathleen Cahill Tintle - The Jersey Devil!
- Marty Lou Pina - A jersey girl? Kinda like my daughters lol.
- Eric Scott - A festering pile of vomit. Aka: Bruce Springsteen. (I'm guessing He's not a fan)
- Chuck Homler - Jack Nicholson
- Susan Rochester Zucconi - Joe pesci or Tillie
- Paul Ladd - Woodrow Wilson. He was kinda scary looking.
- Debbie Doff-Horn - Jon Bonjovi's wife. (That's cause she's got a crush on the big guy)
- Kate McIlwain - Teresa Guidice!
- Rhonda Dobin - Silver Snooky
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