With all of the news of home break-ins and parking lot attacks, some New Jersey women have never felt more vulnerable.

Luckily, there are places where you can get trained on how to be safe and how to protect yourself. An organization that we've had the pleasure of talking to on the air in the past is holding a special safety training session specifically for women in New Jersey.

K Street Group Training Academy is introducing a training opportunity tailored specifically for women on Saturday, June 8th at 9:30 a.m. in Pittstown, Hunterdon County.

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The good news is that it's free for the 6-hour course. The bad news is that we need to have these types of programs more than ever now.

The course is not only comprehensive training in the proper use of firearms but also with an emphasis on non-lethal options.

Unfortunately, we've seen some brutal attacks on vulnerable women in recent months. This training is designed for women to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to evade threats before they escalate, as well as thrive and survive through these brutal, often random acts of violence.


The Academy held one of these training sessions for women back in November and is offering it again next month. If you're interested or want more information check out the link.

The chief instructor is Bob Aromando who is a great guy and has an extensive background in security. It's never too late or too early to learn the best ways to protect yourself in the ever-increasingly dangerous world.

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NJ teachers and educators caught in sex crime busts

Over the past several years, state lawmakers have dealt with accused child predators among ranks of teachers and educators.

The following individuals were arrested and charged in 2021 and several years earlier. Some were convicted and sentenced to prison.

Others accepted plea deals for probation and some cases were still pending.

Gallery Credit: Erin Vogt

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.

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