My friend Steve Kalafer is the proud owner and CEO of the Somerset Patriots and Flemington Car and Truck Country. He's made headlines before and joined me on the morning show to talk about his decisions.

A few months ago he joined me to talk about him pulling his ads from televised NFL games in the wake of the rampant disrespect for the American Flag and National Anthem among players and staff. On Wednesday he'll join me to discuss his latest decision to award his employees with a cash bonus because of the Trump tax cuts.

Steve Kalafer is a patriot, family man, proud New Jerseyan and an outstanding company leader. I've bought cars from his company, thrown out first pitches for his team and interacted with his staff for many years. He runs one of the best organizations in the state and his employees are happy to be a part of the company. Steve didn't have to throw money at disgruntled employees. He understand the value of retention and the true value of leaders who know they are as strong as the people they lead.

Steve Kalafer is one of the finest leaders in the private sector in New Jersey. His employees already appreciate his leadership and strength. This act was just one more example of a man willing to step up. Proud to call him a friend.

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