Judi ‘dancing around the Garden State’ gets interrupted!
Despite the strange looks and the people I occasionally bump into, I've been feeling so happy and carefree on my dancing journey thus far.
But I'll admit it: Sometimes I get carried away.
And in my quest to spend the summer dancing all over the Jersey Shore, I recently found myself in the way of passing cars.
So I'm just minding my own business, dancing in the parking lot of one of my favorite breakfast places, (who hasn't, after all?) when lo and behold, someone asked me (nicely) to move my dancing to a safer location.
So no problem. This'll be my last attempt at parking lot dancing! There are, after all, so many more places yet to cover.
I haven't even begun to discover all of the dance-worthy locations all over New Jersey! But one things for sure, I've certainly learned my lesson:
Look both ways before you dance in the street.
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