AWKWARD! Judi dances through a store full of customersAWKWARD! Judi dances through a store full of customersNothing can stop Judi from dancing across NJ... not even confused onlookers!Judi FrancoJudi Franco
It was a marvelous night for a snow dance — Judi dances across NJIt was a marvelous night for a snow dance — Judi dances across NJJudi Franco has been dancing across New Jersey for a long time, and when the snow started falling, she simply couldn't help herself.Judi FrancoJudi Franco
Watch Judi Franco ice dance! — A talent you never knew she hadWatch Judi Franco ice dance! — A talent you never knew she hadJudi Franco spent her weekend ice skating at Pier Village, and like always, she couldn't help but dance!Judi FrancoJudi Franco
Judi dances across NJ and on a bar!Judi dances across NJ and on a bar!My favorite dancing experience so far!Judi FrancoJudi Franco
Judi ‘dancing around the Garden State’ gets interrupted!Judi ‘dancing around the Garden State’ gets interrupted!It's well known that despite some strange looks, Judi Franco will dance anywhere. This video is proof that sometimes, she gets carried away.Judi FrancoJudi Franco