If only George Carlin could talk about current NJ. Wait! He already did
From time to time on my New Jersey 101.5 show, I ask the question: 'If you could get a current album from a dead comic, who would you like to hear from?" The most popular answer way out in front is George Carlin.
Carlin passed away on June 22, 2008, but his thoughts on all that is going on especially in New Jersey sound as fresh today as when he first made them known on the comedy stage. By the way, one of George Carlin's best comedy specials "What Am I Doing In New Jersey?" was filmed in Union City in 1988. See it here.
With the "George Carlin's American Dream" documentary airing on HBO, I asked my following: "If you could get a current album from George Carlin on what's going on in New Jersey, What would you like him to talk about?"
It turns out many of the things asked for have already been discussed by Carlin and they are just as relevant today as they were when he was originally talking about them.
You would think the powers that be would have learned from him before they repeated the same s**t again, in some cases only worse. But nevertheless, by request, here's George Carlin addressing then, the things we're dealing with now in New Jersey, as only he can; Warning he uses foul language in case you didn't already know.
Eric Barash
Single-use paper and plastic bags. I helped an elderly friend Saturday night go grocery shopping and we forgot our re-usable bags you can’t make this sh*t up. I have material writing itself in my head, lol.
George addresses plastic bags specifically in "Saving the Planet", which you can watch here. (Video is NSFW due to graphic language.)
Chuck Homler
The thing I like the most about Carlin was that it didn't matter if it came from the left or the right, he hated bulls**t. I'd love to hear him talk about the election in 2020, and all of the crazy BS that followed.
Here's Carlin on elections, you can watch here. (Video is NSFW due to graphic language.)
As well as voting, you can watch here. (Video is NSFW due to graphic language.)
Chrissy B Harris
He was way before his time maybe he could talk about cxl culture
Here's Carlin on C-SPAN talking Political Correctness, you can watch here. (Video is NSFW due to graphic language.)
My next shot won't miss on YouTube
Chris Corona Moses
Phil Murphy.
Here's Carlin on politicians, you can watch here. (Video is NSFW due to graphic language.)
Here's one for good measure from George Carlin regarding masks, you can watch here. (Video is NSFW due to graphic language.)
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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