Cockney rhyming slang decoded…in New Jersey
The following is a guest column written by Trump pollster Adam Geller.
So, while Bill was clearly taken with Charlie the Butcher’s knowledge of all things meat and cheese, I was taking a different angle in getting to know our overseas guest (who as you know, is the boyfriend of Bill's daughter, Elizabeth).
Don’t get me wrong. I love meat and cheese as much as anyone, but I love Cockney Rhyming Slang ALMOST as much. And I wanted to put our British friend to the test. Would he get into barney, after we took a butcher? How would it affect Bill’s bricks and mortar, not to mention what his trouble and strife might think?
I have to say, Charlie absolutely CRUSHED the little quiz I planned for him. He nailed it, knowing, for example, that “dog and bone” is slang for phone; “trouble and strife” is slang for wife, “Barney Rubble” is slang for trouble, and “butcher’s hook” is slang for look.
We did a few more and he knew them all. There was one that he missed when we were off the air, but to be honest, I think my lame attempt at a cockney accent threw him off.
Besides the fact that he easily passed the quiz I prepared for him, Charlie was a very cool, knowledgable young guy. Hopefully we will see our new china plate around more often.
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