Meet the butcher — A special Speaking Millennial podcast
By Jay Black
When my son, Keane, was 5, he decided that there should be something called "Doughnut Day." His reasoning was that everybody likes doughnuts and... well, that was the extent of his reasoning.
We've celebrated that holiday every April since then and I can't help but feel a little wisp of pride when yet another one of my neighbors reports to me that they've been diagnosed with Adult Onset Diabetes.
So, when Bill Spadea told me about #MeatDay, it wasn't the first time he's reminded me of my child, but it was the most important: Bill Spadea and 5-year-old Keane both understand on a fundamental level that when people enjoy eating stuff, it only makes sense to devote a whole day to it. They are connected with the soul of America, which is connected to the stomach of America, which is clogged with the sugar, meat and cheese that make this country great.
Today's special, bonus podcast was recorded underneath the glowing halo of #MeatDay, with Bill's daughter, Elizabeth Spadea, and her boyfriend from England, #CharlieTheButcher, joining in the festivities. It's particularly moving that Charlie, from a real, actual country that isn't America, got to experience the absolute definition of American Exceptionalism: taking an idea, blowing it up into ridiculous, unsustainable proportions, and then recording it so everyone knows what we did. It's why we have a mall in Minnesota that has TWO Lego Stores in it. It's why we build water parks next to the ocean. And it's why we have #MeatDay.
So, put on a pair of Apollo Creed American flag boxer shorts on, pour yourself a nice glass of Jack Daniels, and download today's podcast. Do it for the laughs, do it for the meat, and do it for America!
(Also, make sure your subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes. We'll be reading all our reviews on the air, so it's the best way to get your name heard! We'll even read the bad ones, promise! Oh, and, you know, do that for the laughs, meat, and America too.)
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