Christie signs new addiction, lead and lottery delivery laws — NJ Decoded
Gov. Chris Christie signed 14 bills into law Monday, including ones requiring doctors to explain addiction risks to children and teens, lowering the amount of lead in blood that's deemed elevated and requiring a government response, cracking down on price gouging and allowing lottery tickets to be delivered by a courier.
He also vetoed five other would-be bills, including one that sought to prevent anyone who shuts down a casino -- think Carl Icahn and the Trump Taj Mahal -- from getting a new casino license in the next five years. Christie called the Legislature shameless. Icahn announced yesterday he would seek to sell the Taj.
Links are available below to each bill and Christie's veto messages. There's also information about how the Assembly and Senate voted on each bill, as well as links to statements lawmakers released about the bill action.
S-602/A-1138 “New Jersey International Arbitration, Mediation, and Conciliation Act." Passed 77-0 and 33-0. Holley statement.
S-727/A-3955 “New Jersey Open Data Initiative” to require certain information be provided on Internet to public and State agencies. Passed 72-2-3 and 36-0.
S-879/A-4237 Prohibits termination of law enforcement officer or firefighter based upon determination that officer or firefighter is physically unable to perform duties under certain circumstances. Passed 77-0 and 35-0.
S-1066/A-3649 Allows filing of birth certificate to be delayed for religious reasons, for up to 15 days after birth, in order to allow for naming of child. Passed 77-0 and 38-0.
S-1131/A-3489 Provides for notification of emergency contact in event of death of senior citizen in certain housing facilities. Passed 72-0 and 36-0. Assembly Dems' statement.
S-1474/A-2786 Requires teacher preparation program for instructional certificate to include certain amount of instruction or clinical experience in special education and for students with disabilities endorsement to include credit hours in autism spectrum disorder. Passed 77-0 and 37-0. Assembly Dems' statement.
S-1830/A-3411 Requires DOH regulations regarding elevated blood lead levels in children, and appropriate responses thereto, to be consistent with latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations. Passed 77-0 and 37-2. Assembly Dems' statement.
S-2156/A-3424 Requires prescribers to discuss addiction risk associated with certain drugs prior to issuing prescription to minor patient. Passed 77-0 and 35-1. Assembly Dems' statement.
S-2321/A-3774 Concerns excessive price increases during state of emergency. Passed 77-0 and 36-0. Oroho statement. Wisniewski statement.
S-2364/A-3946 Establishes pilot program appointing third party vendors to administer commercial driver license testing. Passed 77-0 and 35-0. Oroho statement. Assembly Dems' statement.
S-2370/A-3904 Authorizes operation of lottery courier services. Passed 50-22-4 and 26-8. Burzichelli statement.
S-2477/A-4083 Concerns certain unused portions of tax credits issued to insurance premiums taxpayers under the Business Employment Incentive Program; exempts certain purchasers of business development incentives from certain State tax notification requirements. Passed 71-0 and 37-0. GOP press release.
S-2731/A-4326 Authorizes New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust to expend additional sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2017. Passed 76-0-1 and 33-0.
S-2732/A-4327 Amends list of environmental infrastructure projects approved for long-term funding for FY2017 to include new projects and revise allowable loan amounts for already approved projects. Passed 76-0-1 and 32-0.
S-600/A-3625 Requires DOH to authorize Jersey City to issue certified copies of birth certificates by September 1, 2017. CONDITIONAL VETO. Passed 55-20-2 and 23-10.
S-1585/A-3335 Establishes program allowing certain applicants to perform community service in lieu of paying motor vehicle surcharge. CONDITIONAL VETO. Passed 56-20-1 and 26-12.
S-2267/A-2771 Establishes asset forfeiture reporting requirements. CONDITIONAL VETO. Passed 77-0 and 32-0.
S-2347/A-3723 Permits certain municipalities to impose and collect payroll tax of up to 1% of employer’s payroll CONDITIONAL VETO. Passed 46-30-1 and 27-9.
S-2575/A-4187 Disqualifies casino license applicant for five-year period if person substantially closed casino property in State; revokes license; reinstates license eligibility under certain circumstances ABSOLUTE VETO. Passed 60-17 and 28-7. Burzichelli statement.