Booker’s college date comes back to haunt amid Kavanaugh hearing
WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., pushed back at the argument that an essay he published as a student at Stamford University contradicts his present-day opposition to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.
In a column titled "Cory Booker and Brett Kavanaugh: Looks like 'Spartacus' had roamin' hands," Star-Ledger columnist Paul Mulshine excerpted a portion of the Booker column that ran in the Stamford Daily in February 1992.
Booker's writing, "So Much for Stealing Second," details his encounter with a female friend on New Year's Eve 1984 that started with an unexpected "overwhelming kiss" from her that led to Booker attempting to get more intimate.
"As we fumbled upon the bed, I remember debating my next 'move' as if it were a chess game. With the 'Top Gun' slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my 'mark.' Our groping ended soon and while no 'relationship' ensued, a friendship did.
In a statement, Booker's office called Mulshine's column a “disingenuous right wing attack that has circulated online and in partisan outlets for the past five years."
“The column is in fact a direct criticism of a culture that encourages young men to take advantage of women — written at a time when so candidly discussing these issues was rare — and speaks to the impact Senator Booker’s experience working to help rape and sexual assault survivors as a college peer counselor had on him.”
The "Top Gun" reference is unclear since the movie starring Tom Cruise was released in 1986.
Booker, who was already opposed to Kavanaugh's nomination, said on his Twitter account that he supported Christine Blasey Ford's request for an FBI investigation before a hearing is held. Ford has described a situation in which Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her when they were both teenagers during an alcohol-fueled party.
"These are serious and credible allegations that should be properly investigated by the FBI, which would be consistent with precedent," Booker said on Twitter.
Meanwhile on Friday, Booker continued his opposition to President Trump and told Democrats at their convention in Atlantic City that the midterm election is a “moral moment for the country," according to the Press of Atlantic City.
"The voters in this state have a chance to send a message to Washington, to America and to this president. We have a chance on Nov. 6 to show that the state of New Jersey is standing up for America, for American values and American ideals.”
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