Another school shooting, another call for gun confiscation (Opinion)
The latest school shooting has a Jersey connection. The alleged shooter in that horrific Michigan state shooting is from Ewing, New Jersey.
On Tuesday, Ewing schools were closed out of caution due to a note found on the shooter that hinted at further violence against the Ewing High School and a middle school there. Hearing from the doctors who treated the victims and students who witnessed the tragedy is heart-wrenching.
One young woman who lives across the street from the university also attended Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut. That was the scene of another horrific shooting over a dozen years ago.
She and so many others want something to be done to stop the insanity of this gun violence. Disarming law-abiding citizens is not the answer. As has been mentioned many times, if you ban all guns, the only people with guns would be criminals.
To any rational, thinking person that is obviously not the correct solution. As society disintegrates around us, with families falling apart and people falling away from faith, our moral compass is way off course.
Those who would analyze the situation correctly would see that the gun is not the issue, but rather evil is. In general, people do not have the same respect for the sanctity of life and a sense of responsibility and conscience that many did in generations past.
But dismantling the Constitution and its God-given rights for the sake of safety is at best a fool's errand. At worst, we'll be at the mercy of a growing number of people who wish to do harm to innocents like those students in Michigan.
No doubt the university was a “gun-free zone.“ The government does not have the solutions to these problems. It only has restrictions on our God-given rights and freedoms.
The more willing we are to give those up in pursuit of a safer society, the less safe we will become. We should stop paying people to raise children in fatherless homes. Stop coddling people who break the law. Stop closing mental institutions. And start taking responsibility for the rule of law without enacting unconstitutional laws, that won’t keep us any safer, but just the opposite.
As we mourn the loss of innocent lives politicians like our own governor will yet again make pitches for stronger gun laws. He does it on every occasion he knows peoples' emotions are high and they are vulnerable to easy fix government solutions.
There is no easy fix. It's a societal problem that will take thoughtful discussion and a wholesale change in hearts and minds. Both of which are unfortunately tiny in our ruling class.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.
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