5 New Jersey laws you (probably) didn’t know existed
If you’ve lived in Jersey for any length of time, you know that our legislature never met a law it didn’t love. But, Wow! New Jersey certainly has all its bases covered!
They have laws against crimes you never even dreamed of! Here are 5 laws you probably didn’t even know existed!
A person is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree who, knowing that he or she is infected with a venereal disease such as chancroid, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes virus, or any of the varieties or stages of such diseases, commits an act of sexual penetration without the informed consent of the other person.
You are not permitted to purchase personalized plates for ten years after a guilty plea or verdict. The same is true for those who have reckless driving convictions. Those who are convicted of death by auto or vessel are excluded from ever using personalized plates.
The law states that it is unlawful to wear one in the commission of certain crimes. Not only will you face charges for murder, robbery or kidnapping, but you will face penalties for protecting yourself in the process.
Graffiti can have severe consequences. The financial considerations are only one problem. Juveniles may lose their license for one year. For subsequent violations, juveniles can lose their right to drive for two years.
We’ve all seen the signs prohibiting the sounding of horns in certain intersections. Notwithstanding, you could be ticketed for failing to beep before passing. The law includes honking while passing cars, skateboarder riders and cyclists.
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