In Born To Run, Bruce Springsteen sang about being "sprung from cages on highway nine" in "You Can't Catch Me." Chuck Berry sang about his adventures on the New Jersey Turnpike. It's like you can't sing about New Jersey without including a Jersey road.

There are so many cool roads in New Jersey that if you're looking to be "sprung," this is the perfect place to be driving. Dennis Malloy pointed out the "Roads That Will Test Your Diving Skills," which are great for the advanced driver who likes a lot of aggravation in their Jersey driving experience.

But what about those people who would like to take a nice Jersey drive? The kind of drive that you think about when you hear the phrase "Happy Motoring" or "Sunday Drive."

I always thought when it comes to being behind the wheel in New Jersey, there are two kinds of people. Drivers who just want to get where they're going as quickly as possible, and motorists who drive like they're just sightseeing without a care in the world. When these motorists are out in rush hour, that's where the fun begins.

Between what you're paying for gas as well as the price of a new car, you deserve every now and then to take a nice relaxing drive. Here are some roads you may want to try.

Chuck Homler
I always loved Navesink River Road and Locust Point Road up to the East Point and then around the Highlands.

Giulio Poli
9W Alpine

Robert E Fausak
Anything north of 537 up north to Route 33 from Freehold to 195.

All of Smithburg

The Assunpink areas. Open the windows or put the top down or better, on a motorcycle….. great scenery and roads…

Keith Vena
537 East through Colts Neck to Red Bank

Butch Budai
Along the Delaware River area into Hunterdon county. Ride it often on the Harleys

Chris Canamucio
I used to cut through Dennis Township to get to the Jersey Shore gigs when I played in bands.

Here are even more drives worth taking.

The scenic backroads to Long Beach Island

UP NEXT: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.

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