11 of the best places to take a nice walk in New Jersey
Next time someone tells you to "Take a walk" consider that they may be actually helping you relieve stress. A new study published in "Frontiers in Psychology" at the University of Michigan suggests that taking a 20 minute walk through nature or "nature pill" can reduce your stress hormone levels. With that in mind and knowing how much stress we deal with just living in New Jersey, I asked my social media followers the following question. Where are the best places to take a walk in New Jersey? I figure if someone is going to tell you to "take a walk" they should at least follow it up with a suggestion. Here's the suggestions they came up with:
John Kensil - "Berlin Flea Market"
Frank Ralston - "Wildwood pier"
Bob O'Brien - "Gunnison Beach"
Cindy Zwicker - "My de stressing place is walking the beach in seaside . Stress melts away as soon as I feel the sand and smell the salt air."
John Pelaggi - "OCNJ boardwalk!!"
Tom Travis - "Cape May lighthouse park"
Holly Pietrowski - "Sayen Gardens Hamilton twp NJ"
Jeri Fitzgeorge - "LaMothe Washington Crossings"
Gary Cavico - "South Orange Ave. Newark."
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