‘101 Lessons’ for incoming college freshmen
Got a kid headed to college? A professor at Rutgers University is the author of a new book you may want your child to peruse before the fall.
Based on the experiences of current and former college students, Mark Beal has crafted a "manual" of more than 100 tips (101 to be exact) that could give your child a head start toward success and help them avoid some common pitfalls on campus.
"The book features lessons and advice from more than 40 students at 20 universities across the nation, with a majority of them being New Jersey-based students or New Jersey-based residents," Beal told New Jersey 101.5. "They are incredible sources of information and insight."
Split into five parts, "101 Lessons They Never Taught You in High School About Going to College" aims to arm students with a strategy, outlook and sense of confidence that some undergrads would otherwise take years to develop.
"With this book I actually had a lot of editors because I had to go back to all 40-plus students and make sure that they approved of how I brought their lesson to life," the Toms River resident said.
In his introduction, Beal advises readers to thumb through the book as they spend the summer preparing for college. By design, readers can randomly open "101 Lessons" to any page or lesson and gain valuable guidance.
For example:
- Lesson 5: Branch out beyond your immediate friends (contributed by Melissa Jannuzzi, 2017 Rutgers graduate)
- Lesson 17: There is no "I" in group projects (contributed by Carly Wilhelm, 2017 Northeastern University graduate)
- Lesson 37: Sleep well (contributed by Troy Anthony, Rutgers Class of 2018)
- Lesson 62: Networking starts freshman year (contributed by Stephen Moodie, 2016 Rutgers graduate)
- Lesson 93: Getting out of your comfort zone is mandatory (contributed by Austin Sommerer, 2017 Penn State University graduate)
Beal's book is available only through Amazon. It's a follow up to his piece "101 Lessons They Never Taught You in College," designed to help young adults transition from school to the workforce.
While the main audience for his book is high school juniors and seniors, Beal said parents could benefit from the read as well.
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Contact reporter Dino Flammia at dino.flammia@townsquaremedia.com.