What you DIDN’T know about NJ 101.5 newsman, Joe Cutter
I've always wanted to put a video like this together. One that celebrates a guy whom we all know and love: our own legendary NJ 101.5 newscaster, Joe Cutter.
Yes, you hear him delivering the news every day, but what you don't know is that he is a very high caliber singer AND professional comedian. (And by professional, I mean, not at all professional.)
Amateur status notwithstanding, We feel so fortunate to have Joe work with us because not only is he an amazing newsman, but he has the enviable quality of being able to brighten our drab lives with some of the best jokes this side of the borscht belt. We think it's amazing that HBO hasn't yet tapped him for his own comedy special.
Nearly every day, Joe makes the long walk from the news studio into the broadcast studio to regale us with one of his comedy pearls. I've always wanted to capture on video one of the great Joe Cutter jokes to share with you so your day can be similarly uplifted. Many missed opportunities later, I finally have. I can no longer deprive the world of this unsung talent. Here, ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the comedy stylings of Joe Cutter, comedian extraordinaire.
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Dennis and Judi are on the air weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tweet them @DennisandJudi or @NJ1015.