Watch out for another bear seen near homes in North Jersey
🐻 A bear has been spotted in Bergen County
🐻 It's the second sighting near populated areas in North Jersey this month
🐻 Police and officials warn people to stay away from the bear if seen
ENGLEWOOD — A second bear in as many weeks has been spotted wandering through populated areas in North Jersey.
Englewood residents took to social media posting photos and videos of the bear in recent days. The city health department confirmed that there have been spottings at the Flat Rock Brook Nature Center and Adelle Court.
Councilwoman Lisa Wisotsky said that the bear was seen digging through trash cans at a home on Adelle Court shortly before 7 a.m. and she reported it. Animal control recommended that trash cans should be kept in sheds or garages until the morning of pick up, according to Wisotsky.
The state Department of Environmental Protection offers bear safety tips on its website here. Damage caused by a bear or nuisance behavior can be reported to the DEP’s 24-hour, toll-free hotline at 1-877-WARN DEP (1-877-927-6337).
There have been eight bear sightings in Bergen County so far this year, according to the DEP's bear activity report. The county saw 28 incidents throughout all of 2022.
This week's sightings in Englewood come after a bear was seen roaming through the streets of Elizabeth two weeks ago. It was spotted climbing a tree and eventually captured.
Anyone who sees the bear in Englewood is asked to call police dispatch at 201-568-2700.
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