Totally NJ Mother’s Day gift ideas for your Jersey girl mom
Mother’s Day is a few days away.
When you have a mom she can be your best friend and confidante. When you have a mom from the Garden State she can be your best friend and confidante who won’t pump her own gas, loves Great Adventure, knew pork roll egg and cheese was a balanced breakfast when you were growing up and has all that Jersey girl attitude.
What do you get for a mom like this for Mother’s Day? If there’s still room on your list may I suggest some completely Jersey-centric gift ideas.
How about a candle? Ladies like candles. But not just any candle. A candle that smells like New Jersey.
Just what in God’s name would a New Jersey candle really smell like?
Here’s a very cute last-minute small gift for mom to not only remind her you love her…
… but to remind her of her roots.
Every Jersey mom would love this Jersey facts kitchen towel.
They should do a whole series of these. Like a famous bands of New Jersey towel, famous people of New Jersey towel, etc..
Stemless and with a silhouette of New Jersey emblazoned with “home.” This is an awesome Jersey gift.
They say we’re blunt in New Jersey.
These coasters are blunt.
Here’s a gift for your Jersey mom to show the world what a Jersey girl is made of.
100% perfect.
Here’s another mug.
Not as subtle and sentimental as the other one.
Moms love refrigerator magnets. Jersey moms love New Jersey.
Jersey moms love huge Jersey refrigerator magnets.
Finally, a cutting board in the shape of New Jersey.
You could cut everything on this but NJ taxes, amirite?
Say you’re from Jersey without saying you’re from Jersey
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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