Top 10 reasons to be proud in New Jersey
No matter how we feel about our state at the moment, we're still proud to be from New Jersey. So after asking "What are you most ashamed of living in New Jersey" Lynn Harold asked on Facebook "What are you most proud of in New Jersey?"
Here are some of your answers:
- Jersey veggies - Tell the truth, wouldn't you like some Jersey tomatoes right now? Or maybe some blueberries or sweet corn?
- The Jersey Shore - not the TV show but the actual Jersey shore. I have a theory that God saw one episode of Jersey Shore and sent Sandy to wipe out all evidence.
- The way we come together to help each other like we did through Sandy.
- Let's not forget our music - Frank Sinatra, Bruce Springsteen, Jon BonJovi, Frankie Valli, Southside Johnny, I could go on and on.
- Mike Barnes - Something I will never forget, the way the state responded after 9/11 and Sandy. In times of adversity, the people of New Jersey always show the world how strong they are even in the toughest times.
- Tina Louise Cook - The Jersey Girl mentality. We kick ass! Did I mention I'm a redhead too?
- Monica Bansky - Our diverse terrain: beaches, mountains, farmland, pine barrens. Proximity to NYC and Phila. Our Joint Military base. Our rich history.
- Laura Madsen - Pork roll. Personally like our Governor, I'm calling it Taylor Ham
- Gail Morrone - We are New Jersey strong..
- Our digital director Louis C. Hochman - It's not New York, not Philadelphia!
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