How to get pothole damage reimbursed by NJ — if you’re lucky
TRENTON — With the temperatures fluctuating and winter's occasional snow still a threat, we're seeing plenty of potholes.
In 2016, the state received just 431 claims for pothole related damage on state highways. Just three percent of those claims resulted in a reimbursement for repairs, according to the Department of the Treasury.
A spokesperson for the Treasury Department said the state is immune from pothole claims unless the person can "demonstrate that the state was aware of the pothole, had more than sufficient time and resources to repair it, yet failed to make the repair."
Drivers can report potholes on state highways in two ways. Reports can be made by calling 1-800-POTHOLE, or by filling out a form on the Department of Transportation's website. All reports are then sent to a regional office, where the report is added to a work list. Last year the department received more than 2,000 reports of potholes on state roads alone.
There are also hotlines for people to report potholes on county roads, and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority has a system to report issues as well. The state also has information about how to file a damage claim on its website.
Previous reporting by Dino Flammia was used in this story
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