The scariest thing about COVID-19 in New Jersey (Opinion)
Throughout the last eighteen months many of us have had scares about our health and that of our families. We've been fearful of our vulnerable older friends and relatives, our children and those we know have dire health conditions.
There have also been periods where the virus surged, and hospitals filled with sick people in every corner of our state. Now that the miracle vaccines are widely available and over 5 million New Jersey residents have been fully vaccinated, the fear should be subsiding, but it's not.
On Monday, Governor Murphy announced that state long-term care and assisted living along with those working in county jails will be mandated to get the vaccine or submit to weekly testing as of September 7 of this year, or they will be terminated.
The growing number of Delta variant cases is the reason given for the latest assault on our civil liberties.
We've suffered through a barrage of rights violations by the state over the last year, with business closures and mask mandates all in the name of public safety. But the big question remains:
With all the focus on hiding and putting useless cloth masks on our faces and waiting for the miracle vaccine, which has been here now for eight months, why no progress on treating people who have COVID?
If you had it or someone you know had it here in New Jersey, you know the prescription was to stay quarantined and rest. Almost no one you know was given any therapeutics that have been proven by doctors around the world to have remarkable success, given early on in infection.
Whether it was hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin or a regimen of mega doses of critical vitamins, most doctors and healthcare practitioners in this state just let people wait it out at home and suffer needlessly. Some to the point where their condition worsened enough to be hospitalized where they were given intravenous drugs that could only be administered in a medical facility.
We've received dozens of emails from listeners who were able to find a doctor or practice that WILL prescribe therapeutics that work.
One email came from a healthy younger woman who came down with COVID in early July. She got very sick from the virus and reached out to a holistic medicine doctor in Jackson who prescribed Ivermectin for her and she finally felt relief. She also passed along this link from the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance.
It borders on criminal that more media outlets don't put out this information and at least allow a civil discourse to occur, so people can decide for themselves what's really best for them.
The scariest thing about how the government at the state and federal levels, and the medical establishment have handled this virus, is the callous dismissal of proven therapeutics that could have saved lives and countless weeks of suffering.
We continued to be led and frightened by incompetent and unscrupulous so-called leaders that have made much more of a mess of this than it needed to be. What might be even scarier is that a good portion of the public is still believing in these fools and their liberty stealing incompetence and lust for power.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis Malloy's own.
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