I thought I was one of those people that could take or leave a dessert. I love and enjoy a great dinner, then on the verge of feeling uncomfortable, the waiter would suggest a classic signature dessert that the restaurant is famous for.

That behavior became the norm and desserts are part of the meal only if it truly is just “one bite.”

The dessert is the cap, the end all end to an amazing dinner, it has become another significant part of your dining experience. The term “Save room for dessert” has rung through restaurants and homes more frequently lately.

Food.com and allrecipes.com had lists of the most popular desserts by state. I take these lists seriously and there are desserts on the list that I disagree with, especially after frequenting some of the great restaurants in each state.

Here are the results and my take on the most popular desserts in each state.

Delaware - Banana cake and peach pie

Funny that the study chose peach pie. I feel like I am in Georgia when in Delaware and have had homemade peach pie at restaurants and at my friend’s home in Delaware. In trying to find the significance of the peach pie I came up empty. The climate, soil, and availability in the state of the peaches do not back the claim but it’s there.

Photo by LuAnn Hunt on Unsplash
Photo by LuAnn Hunt on Unsplash

As for the banana cake, I have had a taste once or twice in a restaurant in Delaware, again the significance is head scratching to me.

New York - Cheesecake

This is true! At good restaurants in New York cheesecake rules the roost. Most of the restaurants take pride in their cheesecake and many of them state that it is “the best” in the city.

Photo via vaphotog

I laugh at that, but I order it to judge each restaurant that I go to. The Plaza, Keens Steakhouse and Peter Luger’s serve the best I had.

Pennsylvania - Whoopie Pies and Apple Dumplings

Whoopie pies are good, and they are at some restaurants in Pennsylvania, particularly close to Philadelphia. For those of you who have not indulged in whoopie pies picture an oversized Oreo but made with chocolate cake and white fluffy creamy filling.

The apple dumpling is a fan favorite and is served warm and occasionally with vanilla ice cream. There is no question that I prefer an apple dumpling over whoopie pie.

New Jersey - The Cannoli and Saltwater Taffy

Trust me saltwater taffy isn’t even close to making my list, and you can tell the study that named taffy as a dessert has never been to Jersey. Taffy is for the boardwalk, other than one or two “tourist” places to eat I have never seen it on the menu.

The cannoli is a different story. It is a staple as the cheesecake is in New York. With the many Italian restaurants that grace our state the cannoli is always put to the test and compared to other restaurants. There is so much pride in that dessert.

Photo by Sangria Senorial on Unsplash
Photo by Sangria Senorial on Unsplash

Blueberry pie is the official dessert of New Jersey, but you can bet the cannoli gives it a run for the money.

Save room for dessert and enjoy the choices put forth.

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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 weekend host Big Joe Henry. Any opinions expressed are Big Joe’s own.

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