Stores in NJ malls you HAD to visit in the 1980s
If you grew up in the suburbs of New Jersey in the 1980s, chances are you hung at a mall.
After moving to Marlboro from Union City, whenever we had a little money — or even if we didn't — we'd go to the Brunswick Square Mall. The Bamberger's department store, which later became a Macy's, had a Ticketron where we used to buy our concert tickets. Once, there was nearly a riot there when they announced to about 100 people waiting in line for Led Zepplin tickets that they were closing. There was also a Farrel's Ice Cream Parlor where the wait staff would sing Happy Birthday to you, which was a great way to humiliate your friends!
We also had the Manalapan Mall which was very small but several of my friends worked there. There was a Music Den that I would spend hours in, just going through the records and listening to the music, as well as a Tom McCanns for shoes and a Steinbeck's which was the hub.
When I moved to Eatontown, we'd go to the Monmouth Mall where they had everything! It was so big! Now with more mall stores closing, I asked my friends on social media what their favorite stores were when they hung out at malls back in the day. Here's what they came up with:
Spaceport — As much as you love playing video games at home, don't you miss the arcades at the mall where if you ran up a score, the whole world was there to see it. Great place to hang!
A Shop Called East — The back room area separated by bead curtains where they sold all the metal shirts, patches, lighters, bowls, bongs and all that. Jackpot!"
Korvette's — Great record department! (And I second that).
Spencer Gifts — An incredible combination of trick stuff and hot girls on cars calendars. It seemed everything they sold was cool! Loved the black light posters. Where else could you buy a lava lamp?
The Wall — Lifetime guarantee came with their tapes and CD's however....the Wall didn't quite last a lifetime.
Hickory Farms —Nothing like walking the mall after being handed summer sausage on a stick.
For clothing, people names Jeans West, Oak Tree Casual Men's Store, Quails Men's Store, Father & Son Shoe's, Chess King and Merry-Go-Round.
Steve Trevelise is on the air from Monday-Thursday, 7 to 11 p.m. Tweet him @realstevetrev or @nj1015.
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