Shove your rudeness survey about NJ up your @$$! (Opinion)
Big 7 Travel just had to go there. They couldn’t resist asking their social followers, 1.5 million of them, which states were the friendliest. Of course ending up low on the list translates to unfriendliest.
Wouldn’t you know it New Jersey ended up close to dead last. Thanks Big 7! Thanks for another black eye as we ended up at 46. What did they write about us?
From BigSevenTravel.com,
The Jersey attitude can be perceived as just outright rudeness. And in this survey, it seems as though that’s definitely the case. New Jerseyans are known for their in-your-face personalities. But hey, at least the (probably unfriendly) station attendant will pump your gas for you.
Perceived is the key word. Perception isn’t always reality. People in the Bible Belt can be perceived as genteel, super friendly folks. I’m here to tell you they can gossip about you the moment your back is turned then plunge a metaphorical knife straight in it.
You want to say New Jersey people are among the rudest? Then you weren’t here in late October 2012 when superstorm Sandy hit. 346,000 homes were destroyed or damaged. Millions without power. In the days that followed our show was in the thick of it, disseminating information and sharing people’s horror stories. But I’ll never forget how many people called our show with offers of opening there undamaged homes to total strangers who had lost everything. You needed a generator? This listener offered his. You needed clothes for your kids? This other listener gave hers away. People helped total strangers as though they were long family friends.
We may be opinionated. Sure we’re direct. We have no time here for phoniness. But when it truly comes down to it, New Jersey people are tough as nails and come through for each other. And we don’t care about your survey. We’re too busy surviving.
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