Should NJ pharmacies be forced to sell hypodermic needles? (Opinion)
What a stupid question but I have to ask to see what the average New Jerseyan thinks. Some of our "representatives" — you know, the people who know better than you — think it's necessary.
After all, the genius behind this proposed law is a doctor, Assemblyman Herb Conaway, D-Burlington. The law would require all drug stores in the state to sell hypodermic needles and syringes to anyone over 18 who wants one.
The Assembly Health Committee voted 10-2 last week to approve the measure last week.
One of the rationales behind the idea is to prevent the spread of HIV and Hepatitis C among recreational drug users.
So, there's the good intention. And as we know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
What's the harm, you may ask. Since when do we allow government to FORCE private businesses to sell a product?
If the New Jersey Legislature wants to make it easier for businesses to legally sell drug paraphernalia, that's one thing. Let the free market decide who wants to sell them.
But to force all pharmacies in the state to do so seems a step too far.
Assemblyman Conaway may be a terrific doctor but he seems to suffer from the same affliction that Gov. Murphy suffers from.
You may recall when Murphy said "that's above my pay grade" when asked about the Bill of Rights during the pandemic.
Not knowing what the role of government is and how far they can go in forcing the people to bend to their will seems to be more epidemic than any virus from China.
The problem is not only do we have power-hungry, constitutionally illiterate politicians in our government, we seem to have a population that either doesn't know or care about how far the government can go in what laws they pass or executive orders they issue.
So, we thought we'd ask you.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.
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