Raucous crowd in Clark, NJ ready to win
I've been to Union County many times over the past year spreading the word on common sense policies and how we turn our state around.
Part of the problem in the county is that the GOP leadership both at the county party level and in the legislature is weak, ineffective, and really not Republican. An exception is the very competent and successful Mayor of Clark, Sal Bonaccorso who is running for his seventh term at the helm of local government.
Everywhere we've gone with the mayor he's treated like everyone's favorite uncle. Smiles and gratitude lead the conversation. He's had his mistakes in the past and is currently battling through a legal attack from the attorney general that seems absurd against the backdrop of so much official corruption in Trenton.
Regardless of the outcome of his court case, the guy is popular and powerful locally and he clearly loves the town and its people.
Another friend of ours, Carlos Santos, is a local leader who is vying to become the next county chairman for the GOP. Now we normally don't get involved in fights like this but I did mention to the crowd that if you don't get new blood like Carlos into leadership, Union County will be stuck behind the fake Republicans like Jon Bramnick and his cohorts for many more years.
All you need to know about Jon is he is a shill for big Pharma and his law firm aggressively profiteers on the illegal immigration crisis by defending illegals AGAINST being deported. Yes, Jon is actually running for governor as a Republican.
My message to the capacity crowd was simple. It's time to start winning again. It's time to hold politicians accountable for what's good for the people of our state. They work for us after all.
We need to have a renewed call for courage and public service. We need to end bail reform, end the sanctuary state, empower our cops to do their job, wipe out wokeness from our schools, empower students to gravitate toward CTE/Vocational/skilled trade schools and restore power to mom and dad when it comes to their kids. We need to line-item veto the NJEA-supported pensions to force a change in school funding.
End the subsidies to Rutgers where the woke state school is creating millionaires out of school bureaucrats with your money.
We need to invest heavily in our energy and transportation infrastructure. We can make NJ energy independent by upgrading our natural gas pipelines and exporting the product turning a tax rebate back to homeowners as they do in Alaska.
How about building new nuclear plants and harnessing the methane production from landfills to heat our homes? Let's get a business tax cut in order to draw employers back to the Garden State and lower the rates for small business owners taking advantage of the NJ-BAIT program.
All of this is possible, but only if New Jerseyans start voting again.
The weak and feckless state GOP failed to take out Murphy in 2021. Weak, do-nothing candidate who supported the lockdowns and refused to defend first responders getting fired for refusing the jab, the GOP nominee went so far as to support licenses for illegals, and obvious pathway to illegals voting. No wonder 6 in 10 New Jersey voters stayed home.
Both candidates were terrible. We can and will do better in 2025. But only when locals rise up and embrace voting including mailing in ballots.
We have to turn the state around within the rules that exist right now and that includes voting by mail.
The message is spreading and I will be aggressive and personally making the common sense pitch across the state. We're doing 3, 4, and even 5 or more events a day, 7 days a week.
More to come. Join me on the trail www.billspadea.com/events
Here's how NJ prices have changed: Now, 10, 20 years ago
Gallery Credit: Erin Vogt
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own.
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