See this NJ home made out of a Greyhound bus
Are you a free spirit? Do you want a beautiful home, don't need a lot of room, and would like to be able to flee New Jersey at the turn of an ignition key if they raise one tax too many? Have we got a deal for you!
Check out this ad on Craiglist. It's advertising a home up for sale that is made out of a Greyhound bus. Jessie Lipskin has been living out of this for three years and since January it has rested on a piece of land just outside Asbury Park. It was once a commuter bus in the San Francisco area. She bought it for $7,000 and put in $100,000 of renovations. The result is amazingly nice. Look at the ad and go through the pictures! There are two sleeping areas, a kitchen, a full sized bath, living space and even a washer and dryer.
And yes, for those Jersey heat waves, it even has air conditioning.
Why is she selling? She wants to travel abroad for awhile. When she eventually gets back to the United States she wants to downsize. Yes, I said downsize. Tiny living is all the rage in some circles.
Imagine not paying any taxes or rent on this. And because it's categorized as an RV you don't need any special driver's license to operate it. Plus you'd have the added benefit of pretending to live on the road like a rock star. This might just be the ultimate screw you to runaway New Jersey property taxes!
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