Schools should be open in August, in person! (Opinion)
It’s time for the governor to end the "crisis actor" narrative and stop pretending that he’s leading New Jersey out of a dangerous and tumultuous time.
The facts are clear. Coronavirus is simply not as deadly as the government in Trenton wants you to think. Millions of cases around the world, low mortality rate among most age groups. Even lower among people without major health issues and comorbidities. Among young people, as of July 27, 34 kids under the age of 15 succumbed to COVID-19. 34 out of a reported 145,000+ deaths across the nation. For perspective, more than 180 kids died from the flu in the 2017-18.
Think about that, FIVE times as many deaths among kids from flu than COVID. Yet Gov. Phil Murphy wants to make you think that kids are not safe heading back to school. It’s absurd. It’s false and yes, it’s dangerous. COVID has been used as a political weapon to serve the agenda of power grabbing elites. Unfortunately, too many in NJ are still buying into the false narrative that we are in the midst of an "outbreak." It’s classic newsroom spin to a problem that the "click-bait"-driven media is just not ready to let go of yet. Instead of reporting on "positive cases," why aren't news outlets reporting only on percentage of positives, hospitalizations and deaths?
The reason? All of those factors are dramatically decreased from the peak of the pandemic. The fact that the virus topped out in April is not helpful for governors like Murphy who want to distract you from the fact of his policy condemning nearly SEVEN thousand nursing home residents to their death.The fact of the virus subsiding doesn’t fit the narrative of politicos like Murphy who want to borrow billions and pass the cost onto NJ working and middle class families.
Murphy can’t afford to let this crisis pass, otherwise he’ll be called out for having accomplished nothing as governor before the pandemic hit. Whether Murphy is ever held accountable remains to be seen, but please let’s not allow him to use our kids as political weapons for his own agenda. There is absolutely no public health reason not to open up our schools full time, in class.
Here’s my conversation with listeners on Facebook LIVE from this week. Thanks to our friends at Flemington Car and Truck Country for making the weekly Facebook LIVE conversation possible. Join me every Tuesday at 10 a.m.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.