NJ gas prices: Virtue-signaling about Ukraine is useless (Opinion)
Gas prices are out-of-control.
The politicians in Trenton and Washington would rather focus their anger on Putin and Russia instead of working to actually provide a solution. Gas prices have spiked 40% since Joe Biden took office and inflation and the overall cost of living in states like New Jersey have been rising long before most people could place Ukraine on a map.
Instead of solving the problem of spike costs — which in my opinion is a direct result of the closing of pipelines, the denial of drilling permits, and the onerous regulations being put on the fuel industry — and instead of focusing on relieving New Jersey businesses of overreaching regulations and tax burdens, the Legislature is adding to the cost of being in New Jersey with an ill-informed "Divest from Russia" bill.
As New Jersey 101.5 news anchor Eric Scott pointed out in a recent report, the potential for a huge cost to towns and companies trying to figure out if their investments include anything "Russia-related" could be very high. Again, like all rising costs in New Jersey, the working and middle class will bear the burden.
In classic out-of-touch-rich-guy fashion, Gov. Murphy essentially told families to just deal with the high prices so we can fight Putin. Republicans for their part are just as bad, using social media to compare and contrast the weak and feckless U.S. president to the "war hero" Zelensky.
None of this helps as Americans are struggling to make their paycheck stretch enough to cover basic needs like fuel and food. We need to elect strong leaders in New Jersey and in Washington. Leaders who will act on our behalf instead of patting themselves on the back for doing literally nothing to solve foreign and domestic problems. No, social media posts and useless legislative virtue-signaling do nothing to get your business on track, put money in your pocket, or save lives.
Here's what you can do to help. In 2022 unaffiliated voters have an opportunity to rush the GOP primaries and cast votes for outsiders who can help us reshape the New Jersey Republican Party. I have no love for the GOP either, but the Democrats are too far gone with the Leftist agenda and it will be decades before they regain normalcy. Since we only have two viable parties, the opportunity for normal Americans to have their voices heard is in the primary election.
But the election is still a few months away and change doesn't happen overnight. For now, we have to get to work, fill up our cars and trucks and get on with life.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.

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