New Jersey man has the world’s best beard
A man from Eastampton has won a prestigious award: Best Natural Full Beard with Styled Mustache at the 2019 World Mustache and Beard Championship in Antwerp, Belgium. According to the Burlington County Times, Andrew Kloss and his two foot long beard were deemed to be the best in the world, outdoing competitors from Europe and as far away as New Zealand.
He told the paper that his facial hair doesn’t require particularly involved maintenance, just washing and conditioning it like the hair on his head. It does, however, mean that there are some foods he needs to avoid like soups and sauce-heavy dishes, and he drinks beer with a guard on the rim to prevent his mustache hairs getting soaked. He also has to be careful not to get his beard tangled up in his seatbelt. Kloss went on to tell the Burlington County Times that his beard has allowed to him to travel the country and meet other beard-centric people (I assume they’re all men). He said that he may shave his beard someday, but no time soon.